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Optimal Transport and Information Geometry for Machine Learning and Data Science
M. Ha Quang (RIKEN-AIP)“Information geometry and optimal transport framework for Gaussian processes”
"Regularized information geometric and optimal transport distances between covariance operators..."
"Optimal Transport for Statistics and Machine Learning" Prof. Philippe Rigollet, MIT
AN20: JP1 Optimal Transport for Machine Learning
Nicolas Garcia Trillos - Adversarial Classification, Optimal Transport, and Geometric Flows
OAMLS -- Optimal Transport in Machine Learning and Data Science -- Nhat Ho
Wuchen Li - Transport information Bregman divergences
Optimization using the Python Optimal Transport Package
Lars Ruthotto: "A Machine Learning Framework for Optimal Transport of High-Dimensional Densities"
The Connections Between Discrete Geometric Mechanics, Information Geometry and Machine Learning
Modern (and Geometric) Applications of Optimal Transport